Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding On Jeopardy Question Makes News

On the ‘Thinking person’s game show’ Jeopardy tonight, Lord of the Flies really seemed to get people talking about the novel.
The short novel Lord Of The Flies by William Golding is about a group of school boys, stranded on a deserted island, and what happens to them.
The group becomes lost at first, with no leader, and as young as they were, they were looking for someone to step up and take control.
The problems begin when one boy takes it upon himself to take charge, and sets down rules.
As they came from a rigid school, they soon adopted the same types of conduct, but without an adult to temper their behavior.
It is a study of the human condition, and when left unchecked, how we behave when under stress, and who we become as a result. As young boys, they have no real life experience, and are torn between being noble, or savage.

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