Sep 6, 06:45 PM
So let's heat this thread up!!
In my opinion as a moviemaker... the store should have:
10 - Lot's of movies / Variety it�s what�s all about
9 - Lot�s of Bandwidth / Assuming lot�s of people will use it on launch, slow dowloads are a HUGE down
8 - Decent compression / No comments, it�s obvious
7 - Diferent Sound Options / Not everybody want�s 5.1 or DTS or 2.0, but if I buy a new stereo surround system I�d like my 5.1 for free later on.
6 - Diferent sizes / I don�t wanna see a feature in my current iPod, but yes I�d like to see it in my PSP (if I had one) etc...
5 - New iPod / Okay, they won�t let me see it on my PSP(if I had one) so give me something better to go along and make me proud to say "I love my iPod, I love apple�s iMovies Store"
4 - iMovie Podcast sharing / I would be cool if I could post a iMovie Podcast and show my Short Films hi-res to the world!
3 - Hard Disk Burning / Oh c�mon!! Let me burn it to a DVD so I can watch it anywhere I�d like... or I�m... humm... buyin it on Amazon or Best Buy.
2 - Extras for Free / DVD extras are really important expecially if you work on the industry and would like to see how they are making things happen.
And the most important!!!
1 - HD Download Options / YES!!! In my opinion this will be the biggest revolution. If you can download trailers in 480p, 720p, and 1080i/p than why cant you download a feature film??? I mean... the files are going to be huge but with todays cable speeds (4,8mbs). And why else would be the point for the release of a 24" (user friendly) HD iMac???
So let's heat this thread up!!
In my opinion as a moviemaker... the store should have:
10 - Lot's of movies / Variety it�s what�s all about
9 - Lot�s of Bandwidth / Assuming lot�s of people will use it on launch, slow dowloads are a HUGE down
8 - Decent compression / No comments, it�s obvious
7 - Diferent Sound Options / Not everybody want�s 5.1 or DTS or 2.0, but if I buy a new stereo surround system I�d like my 5.1 for free later on.
6 - Diferent sizes / I don�t wanna see a feature in my current iPod, but yes I�d like to see it in my PSP (if I had one) etc...
5 - New iPod / Okay, they won�t let me see it on my PSP(if I had one) so give me something better to go along and make me proud to say "I love my iPod, I love apple�s iMovies Store"
4 - iMovie Podcast sharing / I would be cool if I could post a iMovie Podcast and show my Short Films hi-res to the world!
3 - Hard Disk Burning / Oh c�mon!! Let me burn it to a DVD so I can watch it anywhere I�d like... or I�m... humm... buyin it on Amazon or Best Buy.
2 - Extras for Free / DVD extras are really important expecially if you work on the industry and would like to see how they are making things happen.
And the most important!!!
1 - HD Download Options / YES!!! In my opinion this will be the biggest revolution. If you can download trailers in 480p, 720p, and 1080i/p than why cant you download a feature film??? I mean... the files are going to be huge but with todays cable speeds (4,8mbs). And why else would be the point for the release of a 24" (user friendly) HD iMac???
Jan 11, 09:46 PM
If that is the real name I will be shocked. It is horrible.
Jul 19, 06:01 PM
I bought 3 macs in this last quarter, so I accounted for 0.00023% of their revenue. Rock on Apple. Don't ever stop.

Nov 28, 10:32 AM
Well, you just made my point better than me. Of the millions of Macs sold, how many are to customers needing correct color and really care about the finer details of the monitor's specs?
I have both the Dell and the Apple cinema display 20".
But who cares? A very small percentage of Apple's market cares or could even tell the difference.
And that percentage shoots up when you take into account only the Pro style Towers. And it's a shame your Cinema display is showing age sooner than I would think it should. Still, in my own experience with color reproduction and accuracy in Photography, the cinema displays I have used have exceeded my Dell 2005. In regular computer use I wouldn't be able to tell them apart (aside from the back light bleed on the Dell).
If Apple has been all about getting "switchers" and trying to persuade Windows users that Apple and OS X is better, than why is Apple ignoring that market with their monitor offering? You said so yourself, these are "PRO" monitors. Because they want you to buy iMacs. That's an extremely limited choice if you ask me. Oh, I can hear the fan boys now, screw you if you don't care about color seperation and the finer details of image quality. Go buy your $hi+ dell and get off of this board.
Do you see any fan boys making posts here? I see some people here that are ignorant of the way monitors work and yet are trying to pass opinions on Apple/Dell/LCD market as gold though.
That's the issue though, currently Apple doesn't sell a consumer computer that either doesn't already come with a monitor, or where you aren't supposed to already have a monitor.
the MacBook and iMac both have screens built in, the MacMini, if you saw any of it's advertisements or presentation, is meant as a direct replacement for a PC box. i.e. bring your own mouse, keyboard and monitor. I as well as another guy have already said this though.
It's a problem, still, I want too want Apple to sell a consumer level monitor. But Apple certainly doesn't have to enter that market if they don't want to. Besides, the market for a cheap 17" monitor is TINY. You're talking Mini owners (who don't already have a monitor) maybe a few laptop owners, and...? G5 owners? If you're plugin a $150 LCD up to a G5 you should be shot :P Unless you are running three at once or something.
Apple sells a consumer mini, but not a consumer monitor? Why not? You all are hammering away at the professional quality of this monitor. But I have both the Dell and the Apple and they look about the same to me. Actually, before Apple updated their monitors the 20" looked terrible next to the Dell. (I have both generations) And are the "Pros" who need that color perfection buying 20" monitors? Probably not. 23" and 30" would be my guess. So why have a high priced 20" display?
Many professionals run Duel 20" screens. In fact I see this setup far more often that a 30" screen.
So all this hupla about color correction is making my point. Apple wants you to buy an iMac and they keep their monitors price high and limit their computer offerings to give you the incentive to buy one.
wow wow wow. You just me on that logic jump. Apple sells some high end systems to Professions in industry that demand at least a certain standard. Apple also sells other computers. Apple Sells monitors that are aiming at (hitting is another matter) those professionals that demand a certain standard. Apple doesn't currently sell any other monitors. How is that proof that Apple is trying to personally screw you out of your cash?
Since that's all they sell they are making a good profit off of them. Don't get me wrong, they are nice computers, beautiful even, but what if I wan't something more flexable? Maybe a little more expandible. My choice is a $600 mini (not too flexable or expandable) or a $2400 Mac Pro. Big Difference. Oh, that $1499 price spot fits nicely with an iMac however. See my point?
Yeah, there is a gap, and I do see it as a problem. No one in the entire thread is disagreeing with that. You ideas on why there is a gap is viewed a little bit more negative than I would, but whatever.
If they lower the price of the 20" any more it will cut into their sales of 20" iMacs. And that is why it's hovering close to $700 and not $200 or $300 cheaper.
Another huge jump in logic based on no facts and stretched assumptions. Do you know what Apple takes home at the end of the day from each monitor sale, each iMac sale, and each Mini sale? Can you provide that data to back up any of your conclusions? It sure would go a long way in getting anyone to side with you on that point. However, until you do, I'm going to say this one more time:
Cinema Display = Pro quality Display (I don't give a hoot if your eyes can't see it, the components alone show it, and that is what cost money to make not your eye sight)
Pro Quality = not cheap, don't go looking for a $200 monitor for pro work.
And for the last time, I'm still waiting for someone to show me a display that matches the Cinemas tech specs and qualifications and also cost downwards in the $400 range that people keep speaking about. Because until someone does, I'm inclined to believe, based on my own looking, that Apple is right with the industry on this one (or close) and all our whining on cost means jack.
So, comfort yourself all you want that you have a "pro" quality monitor. If that makes you feel better parting with $300 then go for it.
In light of that little sarcastc jab, the irony is that you are one of, if not the only user, to have admitted to owning a 20" Cinema display in this thread so far :rolleyes:
[quote]I doubt you could tell the differnce with both monitors sitting side by side. I have both and I can't realy see a $200 - $300 price justification, at least at the low end. Oh, I'm just a poor consumer, not a "pro", so I should go buy my crappy Dell and be happy. Right?
I'll just quote myself on this one...
[QUOTE=Earendil]You seem to be coming at me as if I stand on some high ground, when in fact I own (as stated in my signature) a 20" wide Dell monitor
So just trust me when I say that the difference in my Photographs, and Photo editing on my Dell vs an Apple monitor is different, and a noticeable difference not just in color, but in back lighting and change in color based on viewing angle. When I'm surfing the web I don't notice/care, or playing games, or just about anything else. And since I don't make money on my photos, or do too much printing, I went with the Dell because the price/benefits ratio did not justify the Apple monitor. I wish Apple had provided a consumer level monitor for me to buy, it would go far better with my Powerbook, but they didn't. I'm not going to discount their current line up just because I can't afford it, and I don't think you should discount it just because you don't understand it technically.
But if you had been following the thread you'd know that about me already...
But if Apple really want's to get people to switch in larger numbers they need to offer a little more choice at a competitive price. A nice quality 20" monitor competitvly priced to go with that mini or a mid-range tower. I'm asking Apple to drop their price on their monitors $200 and offer a $1200 - $1500 tower. Is that asking too much?
No, you are asking for two very different things here.
1. You are asking Apple to produce a consumer level monitor that you can afford and falls in line with the market. I think everyone agrees with this idea, whether there is a large enough market for Apple to justify it (only Aple costumers would consider them) is up for debate.
2. You are asking Apple to drop the price on their Pro displays without giving a reason (all your reasons apply to a consumer LCD), nor have you provided a similarly speced display to show that Apple is out of line with it's pricing.
There are large difference between a Mini and a G5. Just because most people wouldn't notice it doesn't mean it isn't there. Just relax and trust me that in two properly functioning displays, Apple's monitors are very good, and imho should never be compared to Apple's displays unless you are trying to convince a consumer (who can't tell the difference) not to buy it and buy an alternative display. I have done this before. Just like you'd never compare a Mini and a G5 unless grandma was thinking about buying a G5 to surf the web with...
I have both the Dell and the Apple cinema display 20".
But who cares? A very small percentage of Apple's market cares or could even tell the difference.
And that percentage shoots up when you take into account only the Pro style Towers. And it's a shame your Cinema display is showing age sooner than I would think it should. Still, in my own experience with color reproduction and accuracy in Photography, the cinema displays I have used have exceeded my Dell 2005. In regular computer use I wouldn't be able to tell them apart (aside from the back light bleed on the Dell).
If Apple has been all about getting "switchers" and trying to persuade Windows users that Apple and OS X is better, than why is Apple ignoring that market with their monitor offering? You said so yourself, these are "PRO" monitors. Because they want you to buy iMacs. That's an extremely limited choice if you ask me. Oh, I can hear the fan boys now, screw you if you don't care about color seperation and the finer details of image quality. Go buy your $hi+ dell and get off of this board.
Do you see any fan boys making posts here? I see some people here that are ignorant of the way monitors work and yet are trying to pass opinions on Apple/Dell/LCD market as gold though.
That's the issue though, currently Apple doesn't sell a consumer computer that either doesn't already come with a monitor, or where you aren't supposed to already have a monitor.
the MacBook and iMac both have screens built in, the MacMini, if you saw any of it's advertisements or presentation, is meant as a direct replacement for a PC box. i.e. bring your own mouse, keyboard and monitor. I as well as another guy have already said this though.
It's a problem, still, I want too want Apple to sell a consumer level monitor. But Apple certainly doesn't have to enter that market if they don't want to. Besides, the market for a cheap 17" monitor is TINY. You're talking Mini owners (who don't already have a monitor) maybe a few laptop owners, and...? G5 owners? If you're plugin a $150 LCD up to a G5 you should be shot :P Unless you are running three at once or something.
Apple sells a consumer mini, but not a consumer monitor? Why not? You all are hammering away at the professional quality of this monitor. But I have both the Dell and the Apple and they look about the same to me. Actually, before Apple updated their monitors the 20" looked terrible next to the Dell. (I have both generations) And are the "Pros" who need that color perfection buying 20" monitors? Probably not. 23" and 30" would be my guess. So why have a high priced 20" display?
Many professionals run Duel 20" screens. In fact I see this setup far more often that a 30" screen.
So all this hupla about color correction is making my point. Apple wants you to buy an iMac and they keep their monitors price high and limit their computer offerings to give you the incentive to buy one.
wow wow wow. You just me on that logic jump. Apple sells some high end systems to Professions in industry that demand at least a certain standard. Apple also sells other computers. Apple Sells monitors that are aiming at (hitting is another matter) those professionals that demand a certain standard. Apple doesn't currently sell any other monitors. How is that proof that Apple is trying to personally screw you out of your cash?
Since that's all they sell they are making a good profit off of them. Don't get me wrong, they are nice computers, beautiful even, but what if I wan't something more flexable? Maybe a little more expandible. My choice is a $600 mini (not too flexable or expandable) or a $2400 Mac Pro. Big Difference. Oh, that $1499 price spot fits nicely with an iMac however. See my point?
Yeah, there is a gap, and I do see it as a problem. No one in the entire thread is disagreeing with that. You ideas on why there is a gap is viewed a little bit more negative than I would, but whatever.
If they lower the price of the 20" any more it will cut into their sales of 20" iMacs. And that is why it's hovering close to $700 and not $200 or $300 cheaper.
Another huge jump in logic based on no facts and stretched assumptions. Do you know what Apple takes home at the end of the day from each monitor sale, each iMac sale, and each Mini sale? Can you provide that data to back up any of your conclusions? It sure would go a long way in getting anyone to side with you on that point. However, until you do, I'm going to say this one more time:
Cinema Display = Pro quality Display (I don't give a hoot if your eyes can't see it, the components alone show it, and that is what cost money to make not your eye sight)
Pro Quality = not cheap, don't go looking for a $200 monitor for pro work.
And for the last time, I'm still waiting for someone to show me a display that matches the Cinemas tech specs and qualifications and also cost downwards in the $400 range that people keep speaking about. Because until someone does, I'm inclined to believe, based on my own looking, that Apple is right with the industry on this one (or close) and all our whining on cost means jack.
So, comfort yourself all you want that you have a "pro" quality monitor. If that makes you feel better parting with $300 then go for it.
In light of that little sarcastc jab, the irony is that you are one of, if not the only user, to have admitted to owning a 20" Cinema display in this thread so far :rolleyes:
[quote]I doubt you could tell the differnce with both monitors sitting side by side. I have both and I can't realy see a $200 - $300 price justification, at least at the low end. Oh, I'm just a poor consumer, not a "pro", so I should go buy my crappy Dell and be happy. Right?
I'll just quote myself on this one...
[QUOTE=Earendil]You seem to be coming at me as if I stand on some high ground, when in fact I own (as stated in my signature) a 20" wide Dell monitor
So just trust me when I say that the difference in my Photographs, and Photo editing on my Dell vs an Apple monitor is different, and a noticeable difference not just in color, but in back lighting and change in color based on viewing angle. When I'm surfing the web I don't notice/care, or playing games, or just about anything else. And since I don't make money on my photos, or do too much printing, I went with the Dell because the price/benefits ratio did not justify the Apple monitor. I wish Apple had provided a consumer level monitor for me to buy, it would go far better with my Powerbook, but they didn't. I'm not going to discount their current line up just because I can't afford it, and I don't think you should discount it just because you don't understand it technically.
But if you had been following the thread you'd know that about me already...
But if Apple really want's to get people to switch in larger numbers they need to offer a little more choice at a competitive price. A nice quality 20" monitor competitvly priced to go with that mini or a mid-range tower. I'm asking Apple to drop their price on their monitors $200 and offer a $1200 - $1500 tower. Is that asking too much?
No, you are asking for two very different things here.
1. You are asking Apple to produce a consumer level monitor that you can afford and falls in line with the market. I think everyone agrees with this idea, whether there is a large enough market for Apple to justify it (only Aple costumers would consider them) is up for debate.
2. You are asking Apple to drop the price on their Pro displays without giving a reason (all your reasons apply to a consumer LCD), nor have you provided a similarly speced display to show that Apple is out of line with it's pricing.
There are large difference between a Mini and a G5. Just because most people wouldn't notice it doesn't mean it isn't there. Just relax and trust me that in two properly functioning displays, Apple's monitors are very good, and imho should never be compared to Apple's displays unless you are trying to convince a consumer (who can't tell the difference) not to buy it and buy an alternative display. I have done this before. Just like you'd never compare a Mini and a G5 unless grandma was thinking about buying a G5 to surf the web with...
Jan 3, 08:07 PM
I guess a 14�� laptop with a decent word processor is too much to ask for?
What's wrong with a MacBook and:
a) Pages
b) MS Word (yuck... but ymmv)
c) Framemaker in Boot Camp
Agreed, the world of word processing isn't overrun with great apps. Times change, and word processing just isn't sexy any more... even though there are plenty of theses and books and magazine articles still being written.
(I notice that MS are preparing to give away updates to Office 2007 - and Vista - to anyone that got Office pre-installed on their PC. Talk about abusing their monopoly... No struggling WP developer can hope to survive against those sort of tactics.)
With a bit of luck Pages 3.0 will be along next week. Hardly a keynote showstopper, but props to Apple for getting into that market at all. Pages is cute.
If you specifically need the long-doc and publishing features of Framemaker, then it's Windows time. Sad but true. Take it up with Adobe.
What's wrong with a MacBook and:
a) Pages
b) MS Word (yuck... but ymmv)
c) Framemaker in Boot Camp
Agreed, the world of word processing isn't overrun with great apps. Times change, and word processing just isn't sexy any more... even though there are plenty of theses and books and magazine articles still being written.
(I notice that MS are preparing to give away updates to Office 2007 - and Vista - to anyone that got Office pre-installed on their PC. Talk about abusing their monopoly... No struggling WP developer can hope to survive against those sort of tactics.)
With a bit of luck Pages 3.0 will be along next week. Hardly a keynote showstopper, but props to Apple for getting into that market at all. Pages is cute.
If you specifically need the long-doc and publishing features of Framemaker, then it's Windows time. Sad but true. Take it up with Adobe.
Dec 27, 11:20 PM
For $299 I will guess you would get a dvd, and a download streaming device for iTV. But if you need a mac mini then you would have two dvd players. I hope there is an upgrade for some computer functions such as websurfing and word processing.
Comcast has video on demand and there is no additional hardware. This services is supposed to expand.
I don�t see a surround sound audio amp for $299. Perhaps a dock for your iPod, or the iPod is the harddrive.
I�m really curious where this iTV might be going?
Comcast has video on demand and there is no additional hardware. This services is supposed to expand.
I don�t see a surround sound audio amp for $299. Perhaps a dock for your iPod, or the iPod is the harddrive.
I�m really curious where this iTV might be going?
Jul 19, 06:39 PM
I didn't hear the entire conference call--did anyone ask about the virtual slave labor they've got going on in China?
It's easy to have good numbers when it's someone else's belt your tightening!
It's easy to have good numbers when it's someone else's belt your tightening!

Apr 19, 11:24 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
One step closer to a MBA refresh.
Exactly what I always think in news posts like this :D
One step closer to a MBA refresh.
Exactly what I always think in news posts like this :D

Chris Bangle
Aug 16, 09:36 AM
I think were well overdue for ipod update...
Is this the longest period of time without and update.
Shuffle is a year and 8 months old,
nano is 11 months,
and the 5g is 10 months.
The thing is that the competition is able to undercut apple prices alot, i found a 2gb toshiba thing on amazon for £69 yesterday. A 2gb nano is £130, and thats alot of money for 2 tiny gigabytes.
Back in the day 4gb cost me £130.
Is this the longest period of time without and update.
Shuffle is a year and 8 months old,
nano is 11 months,
and the 5g is 10 months.
The thing is that the competition is able to undercut apple prices alot, i found a 2gb toshiba thing on amazon for £69 yesterday. A 2gb nano is £130, and thats alot of money for 2 tiny gigabytes.
Back in the day 4gb cost me £130.
May 3, 01:15 PM
It's a dialogue box for christ sake. :rolleyes:
+1 (but it doesnt matter to the hater).
+1 (but it doesnt matter to the hater).

Nov 16, 12:50 PM
Jan 1, 06:44 PM
iPhone with built-in Mac OS X mobile with pictures:
Now, imagine it as the ultimate computerless wireless all-in-one presentation remote of native Keynote and PowerPoint presentations.
Huge halo effect on all corporate, education and domestic markers.
We need tons of them!
Now, imagine it as the ultimate computerless wireless all-in-one presentation remote of native Keynote and PowerPoint presentations.
Huge halo effect on all corporate, education and domestic markers.
We need tons of them!
Jan 1, 07:04 PM
Where did you find that image? Are there others?
Its on the Apple.com front page
Its on the Apple.com front page
Mar 24, 01:47 PM
Maybe something to do with the mythical next release of Final Cut Studio?
Kiwi Jones
Mar 24, 03:26 PM
Cool story bro, would read again. If you want the fusion so badly then buy a PC. No one's forcing you to buy from Apple.
Why should you care about the IGP in your 2010 15" MBP? You have a discrete GPU alongside it that should automatically switch to while under heavy load (NVIDIA 330M).
Would it be possible to switch out the NVIDIA 330M then..? I't cant even handle Starcraft2 at medium settings without low fps..
Why should you care about the IGP in your 2010 15" MBP? You have a discrete GPU alongside it that should automatically switch to while under heavy load (NVIDIA 330M).
Would it be possible to switch out the NVIDIA 330M then..? I't cant even handle Starcraft2 at medium settings without low fps..
Nov 28, 02:30 PM
Is anybody surprise by this?
Seriously we knew this all along.
Plus, what surprises me is that Microsoft did no TV advertising for the Zune at all. So many people out there have no idea it even exists.
Zune has no chance until they have an integration like ipod and itunes have. Maybe in Vista they will have a chance to get that but my feeling is too late for them.
Apple will not let down and I am pretty sure before spring we'll see updates across the ipod line and maybe finally the widescreen ipod.
I saw a zune ad on TV the other night. The same sweaty teenagers as in every other Zune ad. This time they were breaking through a fence or something. Then "Welcome to the Social" appeared over it. I don't think they showed the actual Zune at all.
Seriously we knew this all along.
Plus, what surprises me is that Microsoft did no TV advertising for the Zune at all. So many people out there have no idea it even exists.
Zune has no chance until they have an integration like ipod and itunes have. Maybe in Vista they will have a chance to get that but my feeling is too late for them.
Apple will not let down and I am pretty sure before spring we'll see updates across the ipod line and maybe finally the widescreen ipod.
I saw a zune ad on TV the other night. The same sweaty teenagers as in every other Zune ad. This time they were breaking through a fence or something. Then "Welcome to the Social" appeared over it. I don't think they showed the actual Zune at all.
Oct 23, 10:57 PM
Can someone confirm C2D is what is needed for 64-bit instructions? I thought it has be the combination of C2D and chipset to make 64-bit instructions happen. I heard the current platform for CoreDuo was not made for 64-bit.
The current Napa64 platform (that is, Napa with Merom as the CPU) does support 64-bit instructions. It can't address more than 4 GiB of physical memory, but it can run the faster 64-bit instructions.
Here's the download page for the x64 drivers for Dell's Latitude D620 with Core 2 Duo:
The current Napa64 platform (that is, Napa with Merom as the CPU) does support 64-bit instructions. It can't address more than 4 GiB of physical memory, but it can run the faster 64-bit instructions.
Here's the download page for the x64 drivers for Dell's Latitude D620 with Core 2 Duo:
Apr 2, 07:52 PM
did you see the backlight bleeding?!? :rolleyes:

Jul 18, 02:21 AM
If true, an iTunes movie download service could drive sales of Mac Minis as a home-entertainment device. Not that it is (of ever will be) an all-in-one solution... but development of Front Row will continue and this is just one step towards something good for Apple and consumers alike.
I, for one, am all for the movie rental model. I'm interested in actually purchasing only very few movies. The others I watch only once, maybe twice. If I had to buy them, they'd sit on the virtual shelf until the next video format (VHS, DVD, BluRay/HD-DVD, ???) comes out and I'd just have to buy the same movie again. Please, let me rent.
As for quality, I'd expect nothing less than DVD. Apple thrives on progress. Although I'm willing to bet Jobs is pushing for some level of HD, 720p for starters?
I, for one, am all for the movie rental model. I'm interested in actually purchasing only very few movies. The others I watch only once, maybe twice. If I had to buy them, they'd sit on the virtual shelf until the next video format (VHS, DVD, BluRay/HD-DVD, ???) comes out and I'd just have to buy the same movie again. Please, let me rent.
As for quality, I'd expect nothing less than DVD. Apple thrives on progress. Although I'm willing to bet Jobs is pushing for some level of HD, 720p for starters?
Jan 6, 12:13 AM
I also agree with the generally expensive cost of owning a used BMW.
I searched long and hard for my E30, and with over $14k poured into it by the last 3 owners as of last year when the work was done, I picked it up at the right time. However mine was a special case due to the engine+tranny swap.
I wouldn't trust an E36 (91-99) much under $10k. The e30 is cheap to maintain as well as easy to work on, but due to age, if completely stock, be prepared to start pouring money into it to make it a dd again.
Audi, I wouldn't touch used, even though they are damn cool cars, same with Mercs.
Much is luck finding a good DD BMW as well as proper knowledge and inspections.
Good luck finding one that you are happy with. If you get a bad feeling, or feel that the seller is less than 110% honest, just run.
On a side note, the previous owner of my E30 that I posted on page 1 just called and offered to buy it back, and offered to do a trade + cash for his much newer e9033i (if I understood him correctly). I need to take the e30 out AutoXing first to decide...still, will give him first dibs once I decide to depart with this classic car. I think I would have to get rid of it for an E30 M3 though ;-)
I searched long and hard for my E30, and with over $14k poured into it by the last 3 owners as of last year when the work was done, I picked it up at the right time. However mine was a special case due to the engine+tranny swap.
I wouldn't trust an E36 (91-99) much under $10k. The e30 is cheap to maintain as well as easy to work on, but due to age, if completely stock, be prepared to start pouring money into it to make it a dd again.
Audi, I wouldn't touch used, even though they are damn cool cars, same with Mercs.
Much is luck finding a good DD BMW as well as proper knowledge and inspections.
Good luck finding one that you are happy with. If you get a bad feeling, or feel that the seller is less than 110% honest, just run.
On a side note, the previous owner of my E30 that I posted on page 1 just called and offered to buy it back, and offered to do a trade + cash for his much newer e9033i (if I understood him correctly). I need to take the e30 out AutoXing first to decide...still, will give him first dibs once I decide to depart with this classic car. I think I would have to get rid of it for an E30 M3 though ;-)
Mar 28, 01:19 PM
it will be interesting to see where apple takes that capabilities of this features to expand its gaming line. i hope it expands it to the apple tv. HD 1080p games would be great..
Apr 9, 06:03 PM
When you drive to/from Toronto all the time, standard just makes no sense, now that autos are much more efficient.
Conventional torque converter auto's still sap more power and fuel than sticks. But, with DCT's entering the market, the advantage of the manual transmission went out the window.
That has killed interest for me at least for a stick. Unless you like rowing your own gears, DCT's are the way to go. They can get the same or better in performance and fuel economy.
Conventional torque converter auto's still sap more power and fuel than sticks. But, with DCT's entering the market, the advantage of the manual transmission went out the window.
That has killed interest for me at least for a stick. Unless you like rowing your own gears, DCT's are the way to go. They can get the same or better in performance and fuel economy.
Jan 11, 10:12 PM
The only reason i can see it being called Air is because its all wireless....i.e. it connects to its Docking station wirelessly via Ultrawideband wireless USB (which would also connect the External Optical), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc
I still call BS though.
Would be interesting. You have your "docking station", complete with super drive, hooked up to your external monitor and keyboard/mouse. So you only have to put your MacBook Air in the vicinity of the docking station (say, sit it on the table), and it switches over.
The problems I see are:
I still call BS though.
Would be interesting. You have your "docking station", complete with super drive, hooked up to your external monitor and keyboard/mouse. So you only have to put your MacBook Air in the vicinity of the docking station (say, sit it on the table), and it switches over.
The problems I see are:
Mar 24, 01:01 PM
Oh FFS!!! :rolleyes:
How many times more are we going to have to argue this?
It is not a choice.
I no more chose to be gay than you chose to be straight.
Christ! Sometimes this forum reminds me of a Whack the Mole game� hit one on the head and another pops up.
Same stuff over and over�
And people wonder why I get frustrated and end up telling people off. That kind of BS gets old. I've been fighting that kind of ignorance for over 25 years now- others even longer. It gets very tiring, but we still can't stop fighting it.
How many times more are we going to have to argue this?
It is not a choice.
I no more chose to be gay than you chose to be straight.
Christ! Sometimes this forum reminds me of a Whack the Mole game� hit one on the head and another pops up.
Same stuff over and over�
And people wonder why I get frustrated and end up telling people off. That kind of BS gets old. I've been fighting that kind of ignorance for over 25 years now- others even longer. It gets very tiring, but we still can't stop fighting it.
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